Shunning family members is nothing less than abuse, ignoring pleas for contact and witholding love and affection are disgraceful behaviours which have led many former cult members into depression - and a few to suicide. Whilst individuals who choose to shun are certainly responsible for their choices and for the damage they cause they are in reality victims too, bullied by coercive organisations that demand this unnatural behaviour to retain control over their members.

Shun or be shunned in return.

The purpose of this site is to break the power of shunning and to hopefully reunite divided families. We'll have a lot more to say about shunning, it's history and mental health implications, but right now we're providing you with all the tools you need to reach out to the ones you love.

Nothing is guaranteed of course but it is clear that the grip of this cult over its members is weakening. Now is the time to reach out with messages of kindness, truth and hope.


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